Linguistics Research and Documentation Personnel

Nate Cheeseman
B.A. International Ministries

Linguistics Research and Documentation Unit Coordinator, Researcher


2017. Cheeseman, Nathaniel; Paul Sidwell; and Anne Osborne. Khmuic linguistic bibliography with selected annotations. JSEALS vol. 10.1:i-xlvi.

2015. Cheeseman, Nathaniel; Eilzabeth Hall; and Darren Gordon. Palaungic Linguistic Bibliography with Selected Annotations. Mon-Khmer Studies Journal 44.i-liv

2013. Cheeseman, Nathaniel, Jennifer Herington, and Paul James Sidwell. Bahnaric Linguistic Bibliography with Selected Annotations. Mon-Khmer Studies Journal 42.xxxiv-xlvii

Tiffany Priest
M.A. Linguistics

Linguistics Researcher


2022. Priest, Tiffany. A Preliminary Phonology and Latin-Based Orthography of Para Naga (Jejara), Northwest Myanmar. JSEALS vol. 15.2.i-xxiii.

2015. Barkman, Tiffany. Reduplication and Imperfectivity in Jejara (Para Naga). JSEALS vol. 8.121-132.

MA Paper:

2014. Barkman, Tiffany Rae. A descriptive grammar of Jejara (Para Naga). Master’s thesis.

Carey  Statezni

BS in Elementary Education (K-6), Mathematics Emphasis

BS in Biblical Studies

M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction, Elementary Education

MA in Language Development, Language Survey Emphasis

Sociolinguistic  Researcher

Current work focus: Language Survey Coordinator for Mainland Southeast Asia, providing training about sociolinguistic research design & methods


2023. Statezni, Carey, Nathan Statezni, Piang Nan, Abraham, Mang Tial Khun. Sociolinguistic Survey of the Chin Speech Varieties Spoken along the Dalet Stream, Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar. Asia Social Issues vol. 17.4: e264779.

2013. Carey Statezni. Sociolinguistic survey of Rakhine varieties in Rakhine State, Myanmar. Master’s thesis. 

2008. Eppele, John, Carey Statezni, and Nathan Statezni. Monic bibliography with selected annotations. Research Project SU2. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Linguistics Institute, Payap University.

 2008. Eppele, John, Carey Statezni, and Nathan Statezni. 2008. Monic bibliography. Research Project SU3. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Linguistics Institute, Payap University.

2007. Nathan, Carey Statezni, and Erin Dawkins. A Sociolinguistic Survey of Nyah Kur in Northeastern Thailand. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Linguistics Institute, Payap University.

Conference Presentations:

2010. Training nationals. Paper presented at International Language Assessment Conference (ILAC) VI, 3-10 November in Penang, Malaysia.

 2010. SLQ design. Paper presented at International Language Assessment Conference (ILAC) VI, 3-10 November in Penang, Malaysia.

Alexander Jeske
M.A. Linguistics

Linguistics Researcher

MA Paper: 

2022. Alexander Jeske. A Preliminary Sociolinguistic Survey of the Lua in Bo Kluea District, Nan Province, Thailand. Payap University.

Mang Tial Khun

M.Div Theology

M.A. Linguistics

Linguistics Researcher

MA Paper:

Mang Tial Khun. 2019. A Phonological and Lexical Comparison of Thor and Hakha. Master thesis. 


2023. Statezni, Carey, Nathan Statezni, Piang Nan, Abraham, Mang Tial Khun. Sociolinguistic Survey of the Chin Speech Varieties Spoken along the Dalet Stream, Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar. Asia Social Issues vol. 17.4: e264779.

Kee Shein Mang 

M.A. Linguistics

Linguistics Researcher

MA Paper: 

2006. A syntactic and pragmatic description of verb stem alternation in K’cho, a Chin language. Master’s thesis. 


2023. Statezni, Carey, Nathan Statezni, Piang Nan, Abraham, Mang Tial Khun. Sociolinguistic Survey of the Chin Speech Varieties Spoken along the Dalet Stream, Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar. Asia Social Issues vol. 17.4: e264779.

2012. Mang, Kee Shein and George Bedell. The Applicative Suffix –na in Kʼchò. Language in India. Volume 12:1 January pp 51 - 69

Conference Paper:

2008. Mang, Kee Shein and George Bedell. Relative Clauses in Kʼchò. Paul Sidwell & Uri Tamor, eds. SEALSXVI: papers from the 16th meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. Canberra, Pacific Linguistics, 2008, pp 21-34 link to abstract. 

Other Works:

2010. Mang, Kee Shein and Stephen Nolan. Kʼchò Educational Poster (Animals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, Insects, Worms) (Yangon). Private Publication.

2009. Bedell, George and Kee Shein Mang. Benefactives in K’cho. North East Indian Linguistics. Volume 2. Eds Stephen Morey, Mark Post. Pp 241-256*Bedell, George and Kee Shein Mang. 2001. Oct.

"Interclausal Ergativity" in Kʼchò. Unpublished notes stimulated by Peterson and Van Bik presented to the UC Santa Barbara Tibeto-Burman Workshop in July, 2001.

2003. Nolan, Stephen and Kee Shein Mang 12 Kʼchò Verb List with Stem 1 and II Derivations. Unpublished List.

2003. Nolan, Stephen, and Kee Shein Mang. Tonal diacritics, vowel length, stem II verbal forms and extended definitions added to 199 pages of the 1969 Jordan, Marc M.E.C. Chin Dictionary and Grammar,

Mindat, Chin State, Myanmar. Unpublished copy.

Joseph  Bryant
M.A. Theology

Linguistics Researcher

Piang Nan

M.Min Theology

M.A. Theology

Linguistics Researcher


2023. Statezni, Carey, Nathan Statezni, Piang Nan, Abraham, Mang Tial Khun. Sociolinguistic Survey of the Chin Speech Varieties Spoken along the Dalet Stream, Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar. Asia Social Issues vol. 17.4: e264779.